EvRouter 0.3.2 review

by rbytes.net on

EvRouter reads events from the Linux input layer, and acts on them according to a user-specified set of rules

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 24K
Developer: Alexios Chouchoulas
0 stars award from rbytes.net

EvRouter reads events from the Linux input layer, and acts on them according to a user-specified set of rules. Currently, EvRouter can map events to X11 key and button presses, XMMS commands, and it can also run shell commands.

EvRouter is intended to help legacy applications understand modern events such as mouse wheel movement and special keys on keyboards.

EvRouter also offers hotkey-like functions, and can help existing modern applications deal with events that, for one reason or another, X11 is unaware of (as long as they are accessible through a Linux event device).

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