GCDMaster 1.2.2 review

by rbytes.net on

Gcdmaster is a front-end to cdrdao the CD mastering software. Gcdmaster is the GNOME2 GUI front-end to cdrdao that makes it easy

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: Denis Leroy
0 stars award from rbytes.net

Gcdmaster is a front-end to cdrdao the CD mastering software.

Gcdmaster is the GNOME2 GUI front-end to cdrdao that makes it easy to visualize and manipulate audio information before burning it onto CD.

Its features include: cut/copy/paste of sound samples, track marks edition and silence insertion. Writes audio CD-Rs in disc-at-once (DAO) mode allowing control over pre-gaps (length down to 0, nonzero audio data) and sub-channel information like ISRC codes and CDTEXT. GCDMaster also supports on-the-fly CD copying.

Here are some key features of "GCDMaster":
Easy to use graphical interface
Multiple project support
Playing of Audio CD images
Easy dump of CDs to disk
CD to CD copy
Composition of new Audio CDs from wav files
Graphical insertion of Track Marks (to divide live recordings)
Easy CD-TEXT modification

This application requires GTK+ version 2.4.x.
Other dependencies include:
Gcdmaster depends on the C++ Gtk bindings, API version 2.4 (gtkmm 2.4, libgnomemm 2.6, libgnomeuimm 2.6 or higher).

GCDMaster 1.2.2 keywords