Geekbench Preview 2 review
DownloadGeekbench is a cross-platform benchmark for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows
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Geekbench is a cross-platform benchmark for Linux, Mac OS X and Windows. While Geekbench is still under heavy development, we think it’s useful enough that other people might be interested in running it.
Geekbench tries to measure the performance an average application can expect from the computer being benchmarked. As such, all of the benchmarks in Geekbench are written in platform-neutral C and C++, and have no platform-specific optimizations, and Geekbench is compiled with what we consider the de-facto standard compiler for each platform, with the compiler switches suggested by the compiler for release code.
Fedora Core 4 for x86 (other distributions might work)
256 MB RAM
Model, motherboard, and bus frequency are not reported.
CPU is not reported for Pentium IIIs and earlier.
What's New in This Release:
Benchmark baseline Geekbench now compares your Geekbench results against a baseline system (currently a Power Mac G5 1.6GHz). A score of 100 means your computer is as fast as the baseline system, while a score of 200 means your computer is twice as fast, and a score of 50 means your computer is only half as fast.
Result submission Geekbench now lets you submit your benchmark results to Not only will submitting results help us improve Geekbench, but it will help users compare performance across a wide variety of systems (once we put a front-end on all the data, of course).
bzip2 benchmarks Geekbench has two new integer benchmarks; bzip2 Compress and bzip2 Decompress. Both use libbzip2 to compress and decompress data.
Simplified Mandelbrot and Blowfish benchmarks Geekbench now has only one Mandelbrot benchmark and only one Blowfish benchmark (we’ve removed the Mandelbrot square-root benchmark and the Blowfish memory benchmark).
Memory benchmarks Geekbench has three new memory benchmarks: Latency, Read Sequential, and Write Sequential. Also, with the exception of the Allocate benchmark, all memory benchmarks are only run with a single thread.
Multi-threaded 6502 benchmark Emulate 6502 is now multi-threaded.
Linux support Geekbench now runs natively on Linux. Currently, Geekbench is only supported on Fedora Core 4 for x86, but it might work on other distributions, too.
Geekbench Preview 2 keywords