Gimp::PDL 1.211 review
DownloadGimp::PDL is a Perl module to overwrite Tile/Region functions to work with piddles
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Gimp::PDL is a Perl module to overwrite Tile/Region functions to work with piddles. This module is obsolete, please remove any references to it.
use Gimp;
use Gimp::PDL;
use PDL;
This module overwrites some methods of Gimp::Tile and Gimp::PixelRgn. The new functions return and accept piddles. The last argument (height) of gimp_pixel_rgn_set_rect is calculated from the piddle. There is no other way to access the raw pixeldata in Gimp.
Some exmaples:
$region = $drawable->get->pixel_rgn (0,0, 100,100, 1,0);
$pixel = $region->get_pixel (5,7); # fetches the pixel from (5|7)
print $pixel; # outputs something like
# [255, 127, 0], i.e. in
# RGB format ;)
$region->set_pixel ($pixel * 0.5, 5, 7);# darken the pixel
$rect = $region->get_rect (3,3,70,20); # get a horizontal stripe
$rect = $rect->hclip(255/5)*5; # clip and multiply by 5
$region->set_rect($rect); # and draw it!
undef $region; # and update it!
Gimp::PDL 1.211 keywords