Glib::MakeHelper 1.140 review
DownloadGlib::MakeHelper is a Perl module for Makefile.PL utilities for Glib-based extensions. SYNOPSIS eval "use Glib::MakeHelper; 1"
Glib::MakeHelper is a Perl module for Makefile.PL utilities for Glib-based extensions.
eval "use Glib::MakeHelper; 1"
or complain_that_glib_is_too_old_and_die();
%xspod_files = Glib::MakeHelper->do_pod_files (@xs_files);
package MY;
sub postamble {
return Glib::MakeHelper->postamble_clean ()
. Glib::MakeHelper->postamble_docs (@main::xs_files)
. Glib::MakeHelper->postamble_rpms (
MYLIB => $build_reqs{MyLib},
The Makefile.PL for your typical Glib-based module is huge and hairy, thanks to all the crazy hoops you have to jump through to get things right. This module wraps up some of the more intense and error-prone bits to reduce the amount of copied code and potential for errors.
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