GNOME Bluetooth 0.8.0 review

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GNOME Bluetooth are tools for controlling and communicating with Bluetooth devices. GNOME Bluetooth includes a GNOME platform libr

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: Edd Dumbill
0 stars award from

GNOME Bluetooth are tools for controlling and communicating with Bluetooth devices.

GNOME Bluetooth includes a GNOME platform library and associated tools for interfacing with and managing Bluetooth devices. Includes OBEX file transfer utilities and a prototype device manager.

GNOME Bluetooth was originally developed by Edd Dumbill, and its primary maintainer is now Bastien Nocera.

The software is free, licensed under the GPL.

The software is still in beta development right now. This means that there are bugs. Be careful!

GTK+ version 2.4.x

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