gpkcs 0.7.2 review

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gpkcs11 provides support functions to make the development of support for new tokens easier and contains a complete software token, a

License: LGPL (GNU Lesser General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: Lutz Behnke
0 stars award from

gpkcs11 provides support functions to make the development of support for new tokens easier and contains a complete software token, as well as an automated testing environment.

gpkcs serves as a testing tool in the development of new applications that contain cryptographic support.

A core of the functions have been implemented, but still need a lot of testing. The following features are lacking at this time (03/00), but will be implemented ASAP:

- propper SO/token reset support
- thread save
- multi session/multi app support

If you have need for another feature not yet implemented, give me a holler. Even though I will probably ask for your cooperation, I might bump it up on my feature list. But I consider this library only of use to the hardened crypto developer, therefore will assume that you are able to help further the development.

This code is now usable with the Netscape Communicator! I found out that it is due to a collision between symbols in the libcrypto and symbols within the Communicator. Therefore this release now does some magic to the OpenSSL code before compiling and linking it to the ceay token.

gpkcs 0.7.2 keywords