HSE 2.0b2 review

by rbytes.net on

HSE (Hibernate, Spring, Echo2) is a three-tier base application for Echo2

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: Karl Stenerud
0 stars award from rbytes.net

HSE (Hibernate, Spring, Echo2) is a three-tier base application for Echo2. It is designed to be a starting point for writing robust AJAX applications in Java, Spring, and Hibernate.

Here are some key features of "HSE":
Hibernate, Spring, Echo2 integration:
All three technologies are matched cohesively together to provide a robust base for your AJAX applications.

3-Tier Architecture:
Follows the established pattern of separating the application into data, business, and user-interface tiers.

Allows username/password logon, logoff, and permission checking.
Permissions can be queried using hasPermission(), or enforced using requirePermission().
Enforcement is done in the business tier.
Group-based Permission System:
Permissions are group based, which means that users gain permissions based on their group membership (A user can be a member of only one group).
Groups can have multiple permissions, and associate levels for each permission.
The base application uses two methods for interpreting permission levels.

Input Validation:
A simple and flexible validation system that can handle most common input field validations.
The custom screen and requestor components can display validation error alerts, and can automatically set focus to the offending input field.

User Editor:
Example on-screen CRUD editor allowing modification of user properties, as well as group membership.

Group Editor:
Example on-screen CRUD editor allowing modification of group properties, as well as assigning permission levels.

Java 1.4
A servlet container such as Tomcat

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