HTTP Time Protocol 0.9.3 review

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The HTTP Time Protocl (HTP) system is a set of utilities to set and maintain the system clock from the HTTP/1.1 (RFC 2616) "Date:" he

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 14K
Developer: Evervest
0 stars award from

The HTTP Time Protocl (HTP) system is a set of utilities to set and maintain the system clock from the HTTP/1.1 (RFC 2616) "Date:" header. HTP requires Libconfig.

The purpose of HTP is provide a simple to use system that can be used on any system that is connected to the internet and can access atleast one web page (either directly or through a proxy) to be able to maintain an accurate clock.

HTTP Time Protocol uses basic statistical analysis to arrive at the most accurate time possible given enough servers. The more servers HTP is configured to use the more accurate the clock can be.

What's New in This Release:
Two bug fixes: poll loop could be become close to zero in case of a "connectionfailed", and Sleeptime wasn't correct if all hosts failed.
This release uses avmore "sane" minsleep and maxsleep values.

HTTP Time Protocol 0.9.3 keywords