H?rnmaker 0.4.0 review

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H?rnMaker is character generator for the H?rnMaster roleplaying game

License: BSD License
File size: 607K
Developer: David Johnson
0 stars award from rbytes.net

H?rnMaker is character generator for the H?rnMaster roleplaying game. H?rnmaker project requires the H?rnMaster Third Edition rules to use. Characters can be randomly created, edited or created from scratch.

H?rnWorld is the fantasy role-playing environment created by N. Robin Crossby. H?rn is not a heroic fantasy style of world. Instead it is a realistic and consistant medieval setting spiced with a bit of magic.

H?rnMaster is Columbia Games' roleplaying game specifically designed for H?rnWorld. It has a great balance between playability and realism. It is skill-based, level-less, and a profession is what you do, not what you are.

Qt 3.x

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