Internet Task Management System 0.11 review

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Internet Task Management System uses PHP to formalize the task delegation process in a business environment

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: Matt Palmerlee
0 stars award from

Internet Task Management System uses PHP to formalize the task delegation process in a business environment.

Functionality includes the ability to create individual tasks and then combine them into a process of work items which can be easily delegated to any user of the system.

Assignment and reminder emails are recieved based upon user preferences.

Administrators of the system have the ability to manage all users and their task properties. ITMS supports MySQL, Oracle, LDAP, and SSL.

What's New in This Release:
Fixed bug where using 12 am or 12 pm would change the task date to 11/30/1999 (Bug# 749490)

Also if the current hour of the day is 12, the task assign forms reflects the proper time now.

The above code fixes were in task_assign2.php and task_pending_edit.php

Internet Task Management System 0.11 keywords