Iris Application Server 2.0 review

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Iris project is a complete solution for developing Java client/server applications

License: Other/Proprietary License with Free Trial
File size: 0K
Developer: Accendia Inc
0 stars award from

Iris project is a complete solution for developing Java client/server applications. avaThe technology provides a binary communication protocol that facilitates the invocation of objects deployed on the server or client, integrated application security through access control lists and communication security based on public key infrastructure and Java standards cryptography.

Here are some key features of "Iris Application Server":
Iris implements client/server communication through remote procedure call; the method invoked and parameters are serialized and deserialized by client side proxies and server skeletons generated automatically at server startup;
Synchronous, asynchronous and client callback invocations are performed over the same socket connection;
The server memory footprint is minimal (

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