JThread 1.2.0 review

by rbytes.net on

JThread project provides some classes to make use of threads easy on different platforms. The classes are actually rather simple wra

License: MIT/X Consortium License
File size: 0K
Developer: Mathy Vanvoorden
0 stars award from rbytes.net

JThread project provides some classes to make use of threads easy on different platforms.

The classes are actually rather simple wrappers around existing thread implementations.

The package contains two classes: JThread and JMutex, which (obviously) represent a thread and a mutex. For unix-like platforms, the class implementations use the pthread library. On an MS-Windows platform, native Win32 threads are used.

The library is totally FREE!

What's New in This Release:
The JMutexAutoLock class was added.
In Win32 and WinCE, it is now possible to use a critical section object instead of a mutex handle.

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