KateBuild 0.3 review

by rbytes.net on

KateBuild is mainly a modification of the make plugin in kdeaddons

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 566K
Developer: Kåre S?rs
0 stars award from rbytes.net

KateBuild is mainly a modification of the make plugin in kdeaddons. The main features of this plugin:

-Set the working directory for make
-Specify the make command
-Chose an extra target
-Specify a Quick compile command for the current file.
-Run the make/make target/quick compile.
-The parsing of the make output is more complete then the make plugin.

When run, the output of make and the compiler (tested with gcc) is parsed an a list of errors/warnings is generated. When a list item is chosen, the file containing the error is opened and the cursor is set to the line of the error/warning.

KateBuild 0.3 keywords