KDVD-RAM Tools 0.3 Beta review

by rbytes.net on

All I wanted is a simple way to format DVD-RAM, create UDF filesystems, set or remove the write protection and informations about the

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 13K
Developer: Holger Klemm
0 stars award from rbytes.net

All I wanted is a simple way to format DVD-RAM, create UDF filesystems, set or remove the write protection and informations about the DVD-RAM.

KDVD-RAM Tools are a combination with service menu, shell script and kdialog.

KDE 3.2 or higher with kdialog
UDF Tools (with mkudffs)


1) Unpack the archive.
2) Copy "*.desktop" to konquerors servicemenu folder. (For me this is: "/opt/kde3/share/apps/konqueror/servicemenus/")
3) Copy "*.sh" from your language into your $PATH (e.g. /usr/bin/ Call "echo $PATH" to see your current $PATH settings)
4) Done!

What's New in This Release:
Add template for desktop DVD-RAM device icon
Better error handling in all scripts
Remove local install from install script
Full install support (link, device...)

KDVD-RAM Tools 0.3 Beta keywords