KFormDesigner 0.3.2 review

by rbytes.net on

KFormDesigner is meant to be Qt Designer replacement for KDE

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 1051K
Developer: Jarosław Staniek
0 stars award from rbytes.net

KFormDesigner is meant to be Qt Designer replacement for KDE. It provides almost all Qt Designer features (except code entering) and uses Qt Designer UI file format.

It also has new features, such as editing widget contents inside forms, without dialogs, or dynamic resizing of widgets to fit its contents when you edit it.

Being a KPart, it can be used eg inside Konqueror (or with any app that supports KParts) to view UI files.

One can extend it by writing plugins (called factories) to manage more widgets, and control a lot of things about this widget (editing, menu items, shown properties, etc.).

It is developed inside Kexi Project (http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php?content=12365).
So if you have installed Kexi, you already have KFormDesigner. The version inside Kexi is always the more up-to-date.

What's New in This Release:
Support for sub forms, ie form embedded inside another form. By now, you have to enter .ui file path manually, but a dialog will soon appear (when new property editor will be finished)
New actions: "Select All", "Clear Contents"
Major code cleanup
Other fixes and improvements

KFormDesigner 0.3.2 keywords