KVortaro 0.0.1 review

by rbytes.net on

KVortaro translates words from one language into another one. The word can be selected via different methods: * by selecting (h

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: Andreas Trink
0 stars award from rbytes.net

KVortaro translates words from one language into another one.

The word can be selected via different methods:

* by selecting (highligthing) with the mouse-pointer (Left-Mouse-Button-Pressed and track)
* by copying the word into the clipboard (Ctrl + C)
* by klicking onto a word anywhere on the desktop (e.g. ALT + Rigth-Mouse button)

A small windows pops-up close to the mouse-pointer and shows the translation.

This project ist started because currently no fullfeatured, simple to use program exists for Linux/KDE.

Indeed some programs already exist, which do support nice features, but no program provides the following feature: klicking somewhere at the desktop onto a word, then doing optical character recognition (OCR), then popping-up a small window and showing the translation.

With the first release of KVortaro dictionaries for English-German and German-Esperanto are included. These dictionaries are simple text-files. There are plans to use a more sophisticated file-format later.

KVortaro 0.0.1 keywords