leads4web 0.6.2 review

by rbytes.net on

leads4web is a very customizable, multilingual, Web-based Customer Relationship Management solution. The leads4web/4 branch is a c

License: MPL (Mozilla Public License)
File size: 2873K
Developer: Carsten Gr?f
0 stars award from rbytes.net

leads4web is a very customizable, multilingual, Web-based Customer Relationship Management solution.

The leads4web/4 branch is a complete rewrite of leads4web/3, based on the easy framework (MVC) to be more flexible, readable and extendable.

However, leads4web/4 currently only supports contact, notes, and document management. The other modules (email, todos, and so on) are still only available in leads4web/3.

What's New in This Release:
This release marks the switch between the old releases and the new plugin-based foundation.
The first plugins contained in this release are notes, contacts, companies and email messages.

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