Lefromoma 0.3 review

by rbytes.net on

Lefromoma is a simple mame frontend written in python focused on cabinets. Features: fullscreen, snapshots, roms-, favorites-list

License: Freely Distributable
File size: 515K
Developer: swentel
0 stars award from rbytes.net

Lefromoma is a simple mame frontend written in python focused on cabinets.

Features: fullscreen, snapshots, roms-, favorites-list (alphabetical) & ignore list, scaling of a game. All text in game names between () is stripped in the favorites list (revision/version numbers etc), it makes the list 'prettier'. There are 3 wav-files included, a "start up" sound, a "start game" sound and a button sound.

The script creates 4 new directories in your rom directory: complete, favorites, ignore and scaling. They are filled with symlinks (this doesn't take up much space, don't worry). When you add a game to the favorites the symlink from the complete dir is moved to the favorites and visa versa.

If you move a game to the ignore directory (that is, the symlink will be moved there), you will have to remove it yourself again. (might change in the future). You can change the scaling of the game in the frontend. The scaling dir is used to write the default scaling for a game (gamerom_2 or gamerom_1)

Lefromoma is developed and tested on Fedora Core 5, other GNU/linux distro should work too (other distro's not tested though).


Lefromoma 0.3 keywords