libgsf 1.14.1 review

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libgsf aims to provide an efficient extensible i/o abstraction for dealing with different structured file formats. Requirements:

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 719K
Developer: Jody Goldberg and Manuel Mausz
0 stars award from

libgsf aims to provide an efficient extensible i/o abstraction for dealing with different structured file formats.

autoconf 2.5x
automake 1.7

glib >= 1.3.10
zlib >= 1.1.3
libxml2 >= 2.4.16 (not really, but it is the first to be tested)

What's New in This Release:
Enable the ODF support in the thumbnailer's schema.
Fix handling of transparent backgrounds in ODF thumbnails.
Fix handling of default namespaces in libxml sax wrappers.
Handle odd OLE2 files from palmcalc. [#336858]

Make --mandir=... work. [#316107]
Avoid crash on parsing completely empty xml. [#335152]
Crudely avoid producing invalid xml by dropping certain control characters on the floor. [#339335]

libgsf 1.14.1 keywords