Linux DC++ 20061204 review
DownloadLinux DC++ is a project to port the DC++ direct connect client to Linux or any POSIX-compliant Unix. Requirements: · Gtk+ 2.6 ·
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Linux DC++ is a project to port the DC++ direct connect client to Linux or any POSIX-compliant Unix.
Gtk+ 2.6
libglade 2.4
libgnome (Required by libglade on some systems it seems)
g++ >= 3.4 (Yes, this is REQUIRED for successful compilation!)
cd /path/to/linuxdcpp
Scons will tell you if something's missing in a clear and human-readable way.
Hopefully. Fingers crossed. Knock on wood. Etc, etc.
For compile options, look in the main SConstruct file.
For more information on compiling, read the manual in the wiki:
With binreloc:
Using binreloc, which is the default, you can just copy the binary and the
pixmaps and glade directories to wherever you like. Then you can add the program
to your menu or create a symlink in /bin for easy access. As long as the binary
and the pixmaps and glade directories are in the same place it will find them.
Using explicitly defined directory:
To install the program in a more traditional way by hard-coding data locations,
use scons PREFIX=/path/to/install/under to compile and
scons PREFIX=/path/to/install/under install to copy the files to the right
Known problems:
Utf8 locales are currently very buggy/not supported. If for example a lot of name and description fields in the public hub list are empty you are suffering from this. A workaround is to specify a non-utf8 locale when running the program, assuming you have a non-utf8 locale on your system. For example, I'm from Sweden so my utf8 locale would be sv_SE.UTF8. Starting the program like this:
prompt# LANG=sv_SE.ISO-8859-1 ./ldcpp would run ldcpp with a non-utf8 locale.
Most settings in the "Advanced" and "Appearance" tabs are not working. You can change the settings however you like but it won't ever change anything in the program.
Codepage is a bit of a headache. Files with local chars in their filename are sometimes rehashed on startup, messages in the hub and nicks in the wrong codepage may not be shown, lots of pango warnings, etc.
Memory leaks.
What's New in This Release:
The DC++ core was upgraded to 0.698.
The "Ignore private messages from bots" option was added.
Lots of other bugs were fixed to get the core to compile on *nix.
The "Don't download files already in the queue" option was added.
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