logtail 0.2 review
Downloadlogtail is a AJAXified logfile download and tailing application
logtail is a AJAXified logfile download and tailing application.
You need servlet container that supports the 2.4 specification.
Go to logtail.war/WEB-INF/web.xml. Configure the context-parameter logs to the directories and files you want to look at. This is a comma-seperated list. If you give logtail a directory it shows you all files in that directory.
< context-param>
< param-name>logs< /param-name>
< param-value>../logs,../server/default/log,/var/log/apache2/error.log< /param-value>
< /context-param>
Uncomment the security settings as stated in web.xml if you want to use the login mechanism.
Apache Tomcat 5.x
Configure the security realm as described in the Tomcat Realm Howto. This is only needed if you want to use the security mechanisms. The users you configure there need the role "logtail" to get access.
JBoss 3.x
In JBoss you do not need to configure a security realm like in Tomcat. Just go to logtail.war/WEB-INF/classes/. Have a look at user.properties and roles.properties. Besides this just drop the war-file in the deploy directory.
JBoss 4.x
In JBoss 4.x the JBoss guys decided to include the JSF implementation MyFaces. You can find details in the JBoss Wiki. logtail needs the Sun JSF reference implementation. So follow the instruction to remove the MyFaces installation from JBoss. Besides this follow the JBoss 3.x instructions.
What's New in This Release:
The code was switched back to the MyFaces JSF implementation, so logtail now uses only free software.
Logtail now allows you to highlight substrings of a logfile (for example, IP addresses).
The code was refactored a bit.
All configuration options were moved to one file. In web.xml, you now only have to set the path to the config file.
A bug with the logline limiting was fixed.
A bug where the last modification time of a file was always displayed in GMT time was fixed.
Code was added to limit the loglines in a tailing window to a given amout.
logtail 0.2 keywords