Mapasuta openArchitectureWare WorkFlow Runner 1.1 review
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Mapasuta openArchitectureWare WorkFlow Runner plugin allows to start a workflow file during a Maven2 build run.
There are only two goals, one for running a workflow file during normal build (run-workflow), and one for test builds (run-test-workflow).
Generate sources
The common way to use the plugin is to add it to your pom.xml:
< build >
< plugins >
< plugin >
< groupId>< /groupId>
< artifactId>maven-oaw-plugin< /artifactId>
< configuration>
< workflowFile>src/main/workflow/workflow.oaw< /workflowFile>
< /configuration>
< executions>
< execution>
< goals>< goal>run-workflow< /goals>
< /execution>
< /executions>
< /plugin>
< /plugins>
< /build>
The plugin runs in the phase generate-sources and generates the sources into the default output folder target/generated-sources/maven-oaw-plugin.
The workflow parameter outputDir is set to the output folder and can be used in the workflow file.
It adds the output folder to the compiler's source folder list, so the generated sources will be compiled, if you run the phase compile.
Generate test sources
To generate test sources, use the following simple configuration:
< build >
< plugins >
< plugin>
< groupId>< /groupId>
< artifactId>maven-oaw-plugin< /artifactId>
< configuration>
< workflowFile>src/main/workflow/workflow.oaw< /workflowFile>
< /configuration>
< executions>
< execution>
< goals>< goal>run-test-workflow< /goal>< /goals>
< /execution>
< /executions>
< /plugin>
< /plugins>
< /build>
The plugin runs in the phase generate-test-sources and generates the sources into the default output folder target/generated-test-sources/maven-oaw-plugin.
Mapasuta openArchitectureWare WorkFlow Runner 1.1 search tags