Meld 1.1.4 review
DownloadMeld is a visual diff and merge tool
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Meld is a visual diff and merge tool. Meld project integrates especially well with CVS. The diff viewer lets you edit files in place (diffs update dynamically), and a middle column shows detailed changes and allows merges.
The margins show location of changes for easy navigation, and it also features a tabbed interface that allows you to open many diffs at once.
Look at the screenshots page for more detailed features.
gnome2 libs
python2.2 or python2.3
pyorbit-1.99.6 pygtk-1.99.17 gnome-python-1.99.17 or higher
Install the gnome-python modules
If your platform does not supply the gnome-python packages, you can install them from source. It is assumed that you have gnome2 and python2.2 development packages installed.
Download and install pyorbit pygtk gnome-python from your favourite gnome mirror.
You will need to both build and install them to the same $prefix and in that order. This is a gnome-python limitation.
Be careful to watch for messages like 'libfoo-2.0.pc not found' when running configure - you may need to install extra gnome development packages to correctly build.
Install intltool (optional)
Meld uses intltool to generate translations. You can skip this step if you always want to run meld in english.
Install meld
Untar meld.tgz, run "make" to build the translations (optional) and run "./meld"
What's New in This Release:
Refresh and reload buttons.
Better context menu behaviour for vcview.
Allow escaping of shell patterns. (Patch from Jared Sulem)
Stop button sensitive only when needed.
Added ignore symlinks option for folder comparisons.
Various vc and other minor patches.
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