MP3::Tag::ID3v2-Data 0.9708 review
DownloadMP3::Tag::ID3v2-Data can get_frame() data format and supported frames. SYNOPSIS $mp3 = MP3::Tag->new($filename); $mp3->get
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MP3::Tag::ID3v2-Data can get_frame() data format and supported frames.
$mp3 = MP3::Tag->new($filename);
$id3v2 = $mp3->{ID3v2} if exists $mp3->{id3v2};
($info, $long) = $id3v2->get_frame($id); # or
($info, $long) = $id3v2->get_frame($id, 'raw');
This document describes how to use the results of the get_frame function of MP3::Tag::ID3v2, thus the data format of frames retrieved with MP3::Tag::ID3v2::get_frame().
It contains also a list of all supported ID3v2-Frames.
($info, $long) = $id3v2->get_frame($id); # or
($info, $long) = $id3v2->get_frame($id, 'raw');
$id has to be a name of a frame like "APIC". See also L.
The names of all frames found in a tag can be retrieved with the L function.
MP3::Tag::ID3v2-Data 0.9708 search tags