MP3::Tag 0.9708 review
MP3::Tag is a Perl module for reading tags of MP3 audio files.
use MP3::Tag;
$mp3 = MP3::Tag->new($filename);
# get some information about the file in the easiest way
($title, $track, $artist, $album, $comment, $year, $genre) = $mp3->autoinfo();
$comment = $mp3->comment();
# or have a closer look on the tags
# scan file for existing tags
if (exists $mp3->{ID3v1}) {
# read some information from the tag
$id3v1 = $mp3->{ID3v1}; # $id3v1 is only a shortcut for $mp3->{ID3v1}
print $id3v1->title;
# change the tag contents
$id3v1->all("Song","Artist","Album",2001,"Comment",10,"Top 40");
if (exists $mp3->{ID3v2}) {
# read some information from the tag
($name, $info) = $mp3->{ID3v2}->get_frame("TIT2");
# delete the tag completely from the file
} else {
# create a new tag
$mp3->{ID3v2}->add_frame("TALB", "Album title");
MP3::Tag 0.9708 keywords