Mp3Wrap 0.5 review

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Mp3Wrap is a free independent alternative to AlbumWrap

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: Matteo Trotta
0 stars award from

Mp3Wrap is a free independent alternative to AlbumWrap. It's a command-line utility that wraps quickly two or more mp3 files in one single large playable mp3, without losing filenames and ID3 informations (and without need of decoding/encoding).

Also it has the possibility of including other non mp3 files, such as PlayLists, info files, cover images, inside the mp3. This means that you obtain a large mp3 that you can split in any moment just using mp3splt and in few seconds you have all original files again! It's useful because files created with Mp3Wrap are easy to download. Infact who downloads has not to know each single song name and easy to play and even if you don't have mp3splt to split file, you can listen to it anyway. MP3Wrap the Free AlbumWrap.

Here are some key features of "mp3wrap":
Mp3Wrap is completely FREE and Open Source (under GPL License)
Mp3Wrap files don't need ID3 to work. You can remove it, and still works
Mp3Wrap index is always 1/10 sized than AlbumWrap (1 KB vs. 10 KB, with less probability of damage)
Mp3Wrap is faster because you have not to select each file one at a time
Mp3Wrap can include path info and other non mp3 files such as playlists

What's New in This Release:
new important feature added: CRC introduced. Now wrapped files contain a CRC information to guarantee integrity of index and mp3data.
new feature added: Verbose option introduced. Now -l option gives only list of filenames, -lv complete infos.
new feature added: added a config file. User will write his customizations inside this file.
new feature added: extension can be specified in config file as "EXT=my extension.mp3"
feature improved: like mp3splt, now searches for index for 16384 bytes. This should be enough.
bug fixed: file existence error is now correct.
bug fixed: when an invalid option is specified, now program exits
now sources are separated by functions for easy mantainance.
added configure script to autodetect install and man directories for Linux version.

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