Net::DNS::TestNS 1.09 review

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Net::DNS::TestNS is a Perl extension for simulating simple Nameservers. SYNOPSIS use Net::DNS::TestNS; ABSTRACT Class for setting

License: Perl Artistic License
File size: 16K
Developer: Olaf Kolkman
0 stars award from

Net::DNS::TestNS is a Perl extension for simulating simple Nameservers.


use Net::DNS::TestNS;


Class for setting up "simple DNS" servers.

Class to setup a number of nameservers that respond to specific DNS queries (QNAME,QTYPE) by prespecified answers. This class is to be used in test suites where you want to have servers to show predefined behavior.

If the server will do a lookup based on QNAME,QTYPE and return the specified data. If there is no QNAME, QTYPE match the server will return a SERVFAIL.

A log will be written to STDERR it contains time, IP/PORT, QNAME, QTYPE, RCODE


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