OSSP sio 0.9.3 review

by rbytes.net on

License: MIT/X Consortium License
File size: 956K
Developer: Michael van Elst
0 stars award from rbytes.net

OSSP sio is an I/O abstraction library for layered stream communication.

It was built to deal efficiently with complex I/O protocols and includes capabilities to filter and multiplex data streams.

Its modular structure is fully supported by the underlying OSSP al data buffer library.

What's New in This Release:
An Autoconf check is provided for the va_copy(d,s) macro.
The build environment was upgraded to GNU autoconf 2.59, GNU libtool 1.5.20, and GNU shtool 2.0.3.
The embedded sub-libraries were upgraded to OSSP sa 1.2.6 and OSSP al 0.9.3.
OSSP ex support was fixed by internally using a non-conflicting namespace for the OSSP ex API.

OSSP sio 0.9.3 keywords