OW2 wiki 0.6.5 review
DownloadOW2 is a wiki/BBS management system that offers multiple areas, user pages, rich markup, internal backward links, RSS feeds, a public
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OW2 is a wiki/BBS management system that offers multiple areas, user pages, rich markup, internal backward links, RSS feeds, a public chat, full referer tracking and an internal messaging system.
1. Create a MySQL database called ow2_orgowiki
2. Import the sample database given in INSTALL_DB
3. Edit includes/00connectDb.inc.php to point to the database you just created
4. Edit includes/costanti.inc.php to define your URL, your site name and such stuff
5. It should be working right now. Try and log on if you see the first page.
To edit the look, edit skins/basic.osk and the associated css.
Here are some key features of "OW2 wiki":
starMultiple areas
OW2 partitions its wiki space into multiple areas; each area can have its own nodes, like a traditional wiki.
starSimple markup
The markup of OW2 is really straightforward: linking to another node, linking to a web site, importing an image or web searching are usually a matter of enclosing the relevant section of text in square brackets.
A number of symbols can be imported and used. You can also freely change what is shown under a link.
starGood page security
OW2 has a lock/key security model; each user holds a keyring and each resource is controlled by a lock. You can have a fine control, by area or by node, of who can read, modify and comment on
a node. You can group users by user classes and add or revoke keys on a person-by-person basis. Each user has a personal key that nobody else holds, so you can assign a resource to a single person.
starWiki/Forum pages
Each page can be a simple wiki page or a forum, where users can add comments, or edit the page, or both.
starExtensible markup
Most of the markup for OW2 is extensible; you want to add a new type of link? add a line to the config file.
star Plugins
A number of plugins are supported to extend the OW2 markup and create special items on page, like a user list or the special code needed to embed a SVG graph. You can write your own plugins extending our object oriented architectur ein a breeze! see Plugins.
starOptimistic locking
All resources have an optimistic locking, so that no two users can overwrite each other's modifications.
starFull node history with diffs
The full node history is available, and you can see the differences added at any point.
Advanced links
OW2 internal links are bi-directional, i.e. a node is notified when visitors move from one node to another. The more a "path" is followed, the higher it scores in the softlinks sections.
OW2 fully tracks incoming HTTP links on a node-by-node basis, so you can see from where your users are coming from. Incoming links can be black- or grey-listed and are available classified by day.
star History
A customizable length last visited pages history is kept for each user session in order to facilitate going back to already visited nodes.
starMultiple skins
OW2 supports multiple skins; editing a skin is usually a matter of tweaking with the CSS.
starSupport for low-bandwidth browsers
An included skin (simplest) is thought for users with low bandwith browsers, like cell phones or PDAs, and lets you browse OW2 nodes in a minimalistic fashion.
starPrintable skins
All skins support a separate printer-friendly CSS.
starRSS 2.0 syndication
OW2 supports a full text RSS/2.0 syndication of the latest modified nodes.
Tags can be defined to add an additional classification of nodes. Tags are exported in the RSS feeds, used for searching and link to major sites (i.e. Technorati, Delicious, Flickr and Furl) is included.
BBS/Community building
starUser home pages
Each user has his/her own home page that s/he can customize as they like (and nobody else can edit).
Each user has a separate scratchpad, private and not visible by any other user, that s/he can use as a test page, or a collection of links, or a notepad, or whatever else.
starInternal chat
An internal chat system, using OW2 markup, is available and shown in the Toolbox.
starInternal messages
Users can exchange short messages as well as store and delete them.
starSelf-service user creation
Users can register and confirm their registration after receiving a confirmation e-mail. Users are created in a special user class, so you can edit their class or promote them as you like.
starUser mass mailing
You can send a newsletter to your users, and it will add personalized login information, so it acts as a reminder of their login and password.
starProved solution
OW2 was originally developed as a software to run Pangeaexternal link, the Varese civic network, and has been used for a year before being released under the GPL.
starExtensive logging
OW2 sports extensive logging, so you can see at a glance what happened on your site.
What's New in This Release:
New plugins: tag cloud and comment moderation.
New administrative features.
New direct SMTP email sending using embedded PHPMailer.
OW2 wiki 0.6.5 keywords