Palabre 0.5 review
DownloadPalabre is an open source (and free as in free beer) XML Socket Python Server. It is meant to be used in replacement (for example)
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Palabre is an open source (and free as in free beer) XML Socket Python Server.
It is meant to be used in replacement (for example) of the Macromedia Flash Communication Server. (which is let's admit it really expensive)
Of course, it's much more limited, but has all the basic functionnalities for connecting Flash based Clients through Xml Sockets (sending and receiving messages).
So you can use it to create, multiuser applications like a Chat, (almost) Real Time Flash Games, Online support, ...
It does not include Video streaming functions ( FLV via RTMP ) instead of Flash Communication Server.
Here are some key features of "Palabre":
Have multiple Rooms
Each Room can have any parameter you want ( A title, a lock, operators, any flag, ...)
The creator of the room can change this parameters
The room can have Sub rooms (or child rooms)
For Example, you can host 10 games and chats on a server, and each game has a lobby room for chatting, and as many subrooms as wanted. Players can chat, start a new game, wait for people to join, and then start the game. (Then the child room of the game can be "locked" so that no one else joins it.
Have multiple clients
They are identified by a nickname (like on IRC)
One client can be in multiple rooms / subrooms
Clients can send messages to a room
Clients can send messages to other clients (private messages)
Clients can send a broadcast message (or reserve this to root)
Clients can ping the server
Clients can ask for a "room message" to be sent back to them. (to test latency, ...)
What's New in This Release:
Database identification support (< connect nickname="X" password="Y" / >)
Client's params (< clientparam name="X" value="Y" / >)
SubXML nodes : (< msg toroom="X" >< position >< x >12< /x >< /position >< /msg >)
Customizable nodes (< mynode toroom="X" anyparam="Y" >< AnyContent >< /mynode >)
Joined/Left information (< client name="Nickname" joined="Lobby" / >)
Palabre 0.5 keywords