Pd 0.39-2 review
DownloadPd stands for 'PureData' and is a real-time graphical programming environment for audio and graphical processing
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Pd stands for 'PureData' and is a real-time graphical programming environment for audio and graphical processing.
It resembles the Max/MSP system but is much simpler and more portable; also Pd has two features not (yet) showing up in Max/MSP: first, via Mark Dank's GEM package, Pd can be used for simultaneous computer animation and computer audio.
Second, an experimental facility is provided for defining and accessing data structures.
C compiler
X windows (including the X development package for Pd to link against)
From RPM
Open a "shell" window, cd to the directory containing the file, and type the command,
rpm -i pd-0.XX.i386.rpm
(substituting the real file name.)
Then you should be able to type "pd" to a shell and watch the Pd main window appear.
From Sources
Open a "shell" window, cd to the directory containing the file, and type the command,
tar xzf pd-linux-033.tar.gz
which creates a directory named "pd". I do this from my home directory. Next, compile t. "CD" to pd and read the INSTALL.txt, or else just cd to "pd/src" and type
make depend
You can pass flags to "configure" to customize your compilation:
To enable debugging (and losing code optimization) add "--enable-debug".
To use Portaudio version 19 (experimental), add "--enable-portaudio".
To put Pd in /usr/bin instead of /usr/local/bin, add "--prefix=/bin".
Alsa and Jack support should auto-configure, but "--enable-alsa" od "--enable-jack" ill force their inclusion.
After "make", just type "~/pd/bin/pd" to run pd.
Alternatively, as superuser, you can run "make install" after "make depend" and then anyone on your system can just type "pd" to run it.
Pd 0.39-2 keywords