PDFspy 1.0 Beta3 review

by rbytes.net on

PDFspy is the ultimate "get info" utility for your PDF documents

License: Shareware
File size: 3199K
Developer: Apago, Inc.
0 stars award from rbytes.net

PDFspy is the ultimate "get info" utility for your PDF documents. PDFspy project can extract a comprehensive list of attributes from a PDF file into an XML-based format.

Here are some key features of "PDFspy":
Page information (count, size, boxes)
Fonts usage (name, type, embedding & subset status, use of Unicode)
Colorspaces used (alternates, separation names, index bases)
Images (size, resolution, compression, colorspace)
Use of transparency, smooth shadings and patterns
Presence (or absence) of hidden text and optional content/layers
Hyperlinks (size, location and destination)
Annotations (size, location, type, contents, colors)
PDF/X compliance (including output intent details)
Metadata (info dictionary & XMP)
Security and Encryption settings

Example uses:

Asset management system: extract page count, metadata, font & image information
Document management: determine text or image only documents, extract comments
Preflight: extract information about colorspaces, compression & font types
Developers: easily examine the structure of complex PDF documents

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