Phind 0.1b1 review
DownloadPhind is a fully-featured domain name server
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Phind is a fully-featured domain name server. Phind project supports the PEAR database abstraction class as well as djbdns, tinydns, and bind configuration files.
What's New in This Release:
This is the first beta release.
Pear DB database storage and tinydns config file support are both set up and should be functional.
If you have success or encounter bugs in Phind, please let me know. -seymour
Tinydns config parsing now supports the libtai extension to PHP.
The main phpdoc comments were updated to include a description for the files and their CVS version information.
The phind daemon was updated to support forking request handling.
General signal handling (HUP and TERM cleanup) was added.
A signal handler was added for message handler reloading; this should work for reloading the tinydns configuration now.
Print statements were replaced with trigger_error in the tinydns configuration loader.
Phind 0.1b1 keywords