php-js 0.1.2 review
Downloadphp-js application is an experimental PHP extension which embeds the Mozilla SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine into PHP. Installation
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php-js application is an experimental PHP extension which embeds the Mozilla SpiderMonkey JavaScript engine into PHP.
Installation and Usage:
A simple ./configure; make; make install should do the trick. Make sure to add an line to your php.ini/php.d. Note: you need to install libjs first. If you're using a Redhat-esque system, you can use the SRPM provided above, else, use the TBZ.
Then, just use js_eval to evaluate your JavaScript. js_eval returns the value returned by the JavaScript interpreter to PHP.
For example:
js_eval("var a = 123;");
js_eval("var b = 456;");
$c = js_eval("[a, b];");
echo "a is ".$c[0]."n";
echo "b is ".$c[1]."n";
js_eval("var sum = function(x, y) { return x + y; }");
$d = js_eval("sum(a, b);");
echo "The sum of a and b is ".$d."n";
Would produce:
a is 123
b is 456
The sum of a and b is 579
js_eval takes an optional boolean argument, assoc, which returns objects as associative arrays instead of PHP objects.
The php-js execution environment provides two built-in JavaScript system functions:
print outputs its argument to the php output stream.
gc forces garbage collection within the JavaScript environment.
What's New in This Release:
A session shutdown issue has been fixed.
There is better handling of null objects.
php-js 0.1.2 keywords