phpCDLabelPS 0.0.4 review

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phpCDLabelPS creates labels for your data/MP3 CDs using PHP and PostScript (output will be a postscript file)

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 0K
Developer: Itzchak Rehberg
0 stars award from

phpCDLabelPS creates labels for your data/MP3 CDs using PHP and PostScript (output will be a postscript file). It is controled by a frontend and a PostScript template.

To install, just extract all files somewhere in your webtree. Then point your browser to cdlabel.php - that's it. You may want to check the file and change the default values to your own preferences at any time: it just sets up the initial form values. One thing you may want to adjust right in the beginning is the mount-point of your media.

Some WebServer with PHP support (Apache & PHP4 work great). Some program to
open/print PostScript files with. Linux users: all you need ships with your distribution. Windoze users: you may need to get some PostScript interpreter. Watch out for Ghostscript: Mac users: see Windows users and

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