phpMyFAQ 1.6.7 review

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phpMyFAQ is a multilingual, completely database-driven FAQ system

License: MPL (Mozilla Public License)
File size: 756K
Developer: Thorsten Rinne
0 stars award from

phpMyFAQ is a multilingual, completely database-driven FAQ system. phpMyFAQ support various database systems and it also offers a content management system with a WYSIWYG editor, an image manager, flexible multi-user support, a news system, user tracking, language modules, templates, extensive XML support, PDF support, DocBook XML support, a backup system, and an easy to use installation script.

Here are some key features of "phpMyFAQ":
Varius supported database systems:
You can use MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sybase, MS SQL Server, IBM DB2, MaxDB or SQLite.
LDAP integration:
Add your company's LDAP based user management into phpMyFAQ
Content Management System:
You can administrate your users, news, themes, categories and records in the password protected admin area.
User Administration:
Selected users can edit and administrate records.
Record Administration:
Your users can write new records, the administrator has te unlock the record. The admin can also edit the record, move into a another category oder delete the record.
WYSIWYG editor:
Write your articles like you do in or Word.
Image Manager:
The Image Manager provides an web interface to browse for image files (JPEG, PNG, GIF, and others) on the web server.
News Administration:
Write news that appear on the FAQ mainpage.
Analyze the way of your users through your FAQ.
With the voting of the users you can analyze the quality of your records.
Top 10:
You'll get a Top 10 with ten of the most popular records.
Language files:
phpMyFAQ supports more than 25 languages including Arabic, Chinese and Vietnamese.
Multilanguage support:
Write records in different languages.
Search engine optimization:
Support for Apache mod_rewrite and IIS ISAPI_rewrite
Firefox search plugin support:
Search through your FAQ using Firefox search
Lists all FAQ articles in a alphabetical order
Template system:
Custimize your FAQ to your webdesign.
Simple installation and configuration:
Install and set up your FAQ only with your browser!
5 different views for records:
XHTML, printer optimized XHTML, PDF, DocBook XML and plain XML
XML-RPC interface:
Support for searching over the internet.
export and import from SQL tables
Community module:
Users can write questions to the system, so that other user can answer these questions.
User can send records up to five friends with email.
PHP 5.x ready
phpMyFAQ 1.5.x works with PHP 5.x

from version 4.1.0 (recommended: PHP 4.4.2 or PHP 5.0.5)
register_globals = off (recommended)
safe_mode = off
Webserver (Apache 1.3.x/2.0.x or lighttpd or IIS)
Database server
MySQL 3.23.23+, 4.0.x, 4.1.x (recommended: 4.1.x)
MySQL 4.1.x and 5.0.x with the PHP5 MySQLi extension (recommended: 5.0.x)
PostgreSQL 7.x, 8.x (recommended: 8.0.x)
Microsoft SQL Server 2000
IBM DB2 Universal Database 8.2.x, IBM Cloudscape, and Apache Derby
MaxDB 7.5 or later (experimental)
Oracle 10g (planned)
correctly set: access permissions, owner, group

What's New in This Release:
This release adds a Persian (Farsi) translation.
It also fixes some PHP 5.2.0 related issues and some minor bugs.

phpMyFAQ 1.6.7 keywords