PIMPPA 0.6.0 review
DownloadPIMPPA is a tool to loot binaries from newsgroups (and ftp sites, but the ftp support is probably deprecated)
PIMPPA is a tool to loot binaries from newsgroups (and ftp sites, but the ftp support is probably deprecated). PIMPPA tries to achieve complete "hands free" -operation where possible.
The system is best suited for the Connoisseur, the Collector and the Worshipper of the Mighty Crond. Its not very useful for the minions of the trendy interactive.
Here are some key features of "PIMPPA":
Attempts to skip duplicates and spam before downloading actual messages.
Further duplicate discarding based on filenames & MD5 -checksums.
Allows user-definable, content-based pruning scripts for even more involved discarding.
Intelligent multipart handling, downloads only complete postings.
Supports multiple newsservers.
Filename-based sorting of accepted files to proper directories.
Can be used to hunt known file series, extensions or message subject patterns and skip the rest.
Supports automatic file integrity testing and transformation.
Several tools and scripts for file maintenance and viewing.
Knowledge is kept in SQL database, making it relatively easy for you to write your own custom scripts and utilities.
Cronable: come back next week to check the filtered catch.
Optional Gnome GUI.
It's free! - GPL'ed Open Source.
What's New in This Release:
This version adds support for leeching web image galleries through index sites pointing to them.
The links crawled through can be filtered by keywords and auto-tagged with keywords found in the link or its description.
In addition, files can now be tagged and viewed based on matching a set of keywords.
PIMPPA 0.6.0 keywords