PTXdist 0.10.4 review
PTXdist is a build system ("executable documentation") for compiling root filesystems for embedded systems.
PTXdist is based on a KConfig configuration system in combination with a set of rules which describe how all the source packages out there have to be tweaked to be compiled into a proper root filesystem.
Once a configuration has been developed, reproducing it is as easy as "make world".
PTXdist is free software released under the GPL licnese.
What's New in This Release:
This is a major bugfix and enhancement release.
The most important changes include a new high speed dependency generator, lots of version updates (including 7.1, busybox 1.1.3, QTopia 4.1, and bash 3.1), and a critical fix in the arm toolchain which makes softfloat work correctly again.
PTXdist 0.10.4 keywords