Pulga 1.1.4 review

by rbytes.net on

Pulga is a program for numerical simulation of dynamical systems

License: The Apache License 2.0
File size: 0K
Developer: Guilherme Silveira
0 stars award from rbytes.net

Pulga is a program for numerical simulation of dynamical systems. Pulga project is designed to provide a way for students and researchers who study dynamical systems to model them on a computer and analyze them numerically without the difficulty of traditional computer programming languages.

As we grow up learning math at school we face the joy of dealing with loads of numbers and their pretty properties but as soon as we start to study the real thing in a university we face our first problem.

Although we love to write complex formulas most of us have not that much fun dealing with computer programming, which has proved to be useful and sometimes even essential for some researchs. And that does not only happens with students as there are some teachers and researchers who have exactly the same fear of facing some code.

The classes could be funier and more dynamic, the students would be able to analyse intricate dynamical systems and researchers would not have to worry to learn the newest trend on computer programming in order to get what they need: whether it is for researching, teaching, simulating or studying, there is a need for an open source tool that should be capable of taking the computer code' out of their way.

java5 compiler (SDK)

What's New in This Release:
Many bugfixes and improvements were made in the graphical interface.
It remains a scientific tool, targeted at math scientists willing to study dynamical systems.
There is a new euler method plugin capable of simulating the euler method on ODEs.
Pulga is now able to open more than one window at the same time.
The behavior of most plugins was changed.
A total system refactoring was made in order to make it easier for unit and acceptance testing.

Pulga 1.1.4 keywords