pygtk2reference 2.8.1 review
Downloadpygtk2reference describes the classes of the Python PyGTK module. This document describes most of the PyGTK version 2.0 through 2.
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pygtk2reference describes the classes of the Python PyGTK module.
This document describes most of the PyGTK version 2.0 through 2.6 classes and their methods and associated functions.
Deprecated classes, functions and methods have been specifically left out of this reference though classes that have become deprecated since PyGTK 2.0 have been left in but annotated with a deprecation warning.
I have attempted to document as much of the PyGTK API as I can but there are undoubtedly errors and omissions.
This reference describes the API for PyGTK as of version 2.5.0+ and assumes that the additional API changes for version 2.6 may be significant. There will undoubtedly be changes that are not reflected in this reference.
The differences in the API between version 2.0 and previous versions are denoted in this reference with a Note that describes the availability of the object, constructor, method or function. Any of these that do not have a notation can be assumed to be available in all versions of PyGTK from 2.0 and up.
In the case of properties and signals the availability is dependent on the version of the underlying GTK+, GDK or Pango libraries. These will be annotated appropriately in a similar fashion. The source code must be consulted if this reference and your version of PyGTK seem to differ. You are encouraged to use the latest version of PyGTK that is available.
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