Relax and Recover 1.2 review
DownloadRelax and Recover (abbreviated rear) is a highly modular disaster recovery framework for GNU/Linux based systems
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Relax and Recover (abbreviated rear) is a highly modular disaster recovery framework for GNU/Linux based systems.
The disaster recovery information (and maybe the backups) can be stored via the network, local on hard disks or USB devices, DVD/CD-R, tape, etc. The result is also a bootable image that is capable of booting via PXE, DVD/CD and tape (OBDR).
Here are some key features of "Relax and Recover":
Focus on Disaster Recovery
Modular concept
For Linux and other Unix-like operations systems
No external dependancies - use only standard software supplied with the distribution
encryption (optional) - openssl ?
Linux: kernel > 2.6 supported (no kernel 2.2/2.4 support !)
User friendly - minimal output, use log file for error messages and details
The aim is to make rear as least demanding as possible, it will require only the applications neccessary to fulfill the job rear is configured for. All other applications will be copied to the rescue system if they are present.
What's New in This Release:
Added SELinux suppport for NETFS Did restore tests with NETFS - see video 2006-08-31 GSS
Added NETFS support BACKUP=NETFS 2006-08-30 GSS
finally fixed bug in about c0d0p 0 (DEVwP=1)
Added RHEL ES/AS support 2006-07-21 GD
start the NFS/CIFS tar backup-restore cyclus
added support for Software RAID
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