Rivendell 0.9.0 review

by rbytes.net on

Rivendell aims to be a complete radio broadcast automation solution, with the facilities for the management, scheduling, acquisition

License: GPL (GNU General Public License)
File size: 871K
Developer: Salem Radio Labs.
0 stars award from rbytes.net

Rivendell aims to be a complete radio broadcast automation solution, with the facilities for the management, scheduling, acquisition and playout of audio content.

As a robust, functionally complete digital audio system for broadcast radio applications, Rivendell uses industry standard components like the GNU/Linux Operating System, the AudioScience HPI Driver Architecture and the MySQL Database Engine.

Here are some key features of "Rivendell":
A complete GPL'ed radio automation system.
Designed for efficient on-air use, with large, touchscreen-friendly controls.
Up to three full automation logs may be operated from a single computer.
Extensive support for live assist environments, with multiple SoundPanel arrays available at the touch of a finger.
All configuration is done by means of point and click interfaces -- *no* arcane configuration files to edit!
Support for both PCM16 and MPEG Layer 2 audio formats.
Full support for both analog and AES3 digital audio interfaces, using high-quality audio adapters manufactured by AudioScience Inc. and the JACK Audio Connection Kit.
Designed by radio broadcasters, for radio broadcasters.
Completely free and open -- no dongles, unlock codes, software keys or other arbitrary limitations.


RDAdmin ~ comprehensive system configuration and management tool

RDLogEdit ~ complete program log editing tool

RDLibrary ~ audio acquisition and management tool, for maintaining a library of audio content

RDAirPlay ~ on-air audio playout application

RDCatch ~ automatic audio recorder and event scheduler specifically optimized for simultaneous capture of multiple long-form audio programs

RDLogManager ~ tool for integration with a wide array of third-party traffic and music scheduling systems

Pentium III 800 CPU or better
256 MB RAM
SuSE Linux Professional 9.x
XFree86 Supported Video Card
AudioScience Audio Adapter
Optional: Touchscreen Monitor

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