RTF::Reader 0.01_2 review

by rbytes.net on

RTF::Reader is a base class for building RTF-processing modules. Gives you a simple toolset for doing what you want with RTF TH

License: Perl Artistic License
File size: 11K
Developer: Peter Sergeant
0 stars award from rbytes.net

RTF::Reader is a base class for building RTF-processing modules.

Gives you a simple toolset for doing what you want with RTF

THIS MODULE IS AT BEST BETA, AT WORST, STILL IN 'PLANNING'. The interface may change, the docs are almost certainly slighty out of date.... The latest version of all this is in CVS - use that instead where possible. Details at http://rtf.perl.org/...

RTF::Reader is a base-class that opens up an API for you to use to convert RTF into other formats. The basic model is that you have contexts which represent places in an RTF document, for which you can define what action is taken when different types of RTF constructs are encountered.

Before starting, you should also read RTF::Reader::Context to get a better idea of how to do this.


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