rubiksgl Alpha review
Downloadrubiksgl is my first opengl program so don't be too harsh on me
rubiksgl is my first opengl program so don't be too harsh on me. If you like it or you have any problems compiling it or you have any comments or suggestions, just post a message and i'll see what i can do about it... enjoy!
mouse - rotate the cube
a/left arrow - rotate the current face counter clockwise
d/right arrow - just like a/left arrow but clockwise
w - rotate the middle part counter clockwise(see screenshot number 3)
s - just like w but clockwise
f1 - get rid of the lines, i mean the x,y and z axis
f2 - 2x2x2 cube
f3 - 3x3x3 cube
PageUp - zoom in
PageDown - zoom out
r - shuffle the cube
esc - escape from the burden of solving the cube yourself =)
to compile just do the following, make sure you have qt 3.x installed:
tar rubiksgl.tar.gz
cd rubiksgl
and the binary is located in rubiksgl/bin
rubiksgl Alpha keywords