Sdictionary 1.7.9 review
DownloadSdictionary is a cross-platform dictionary project uses own Sdict dictionary format
Sdictionary is a cross-platform dictionary project uses own Sdict dictionary format. Sdictionary includes Sdict, the main program and two simple applications: Jotter and Data.
Unlike ptkdic or gtkdic no MySQL needed, so you can work with dictionary files directly. Currently it is known to work under Unix, Win32 and Symbian OS.
Here are some key features of "Sdictionary":
Open Source, .dct format is also open and described in documentation
Unicode, all words and articles are stored in utf8
Two index levels: short and full
Using compression
Tools to convert from text file to .dct and vice versa
Simple Web dictionary included into package
C library framework
Perl API ( module)
Simple Jotter and Data applications
Perl 5.8.x (tested with 5.8.5, ActivePerl 5.8.4 build 810/win32). ActivePerl includes two below modules.
Module Tk supported unicode (tested with 804.027);
Module Compress::Zlib in case of using compressed dictionaries
What's New in This Release:
Fixes were made for dictionary navigation.
Article auto-open cleanups were done.
A Greek Unicode mapping was added; it uses the CP1253 charset and you have to use a CP1253 font instead of CP1251, and CP1253 is expected from the keyboard.
A WINS version was added to the distribution.
Sdictionary 1.7.9 keywords