smtp2mix 0.6 review
Downloadsmtp2mix is a small mail proxy that relays incoming email from a given user to the mixmaster anonymous remailer network. smtp2mix
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smtp2mix is a small mail proxy that relays incoming email from a given user to the mixmaster anonymous remailer network.
smtp2mix allows the use of your preferred email client to send email anonymously.
mixmaster binary
the perl modules "Net::SMTP::Server" and "Mail::Internet"
Debian user may install these components by running:
# apt-get install mixmaster libnet-smtp-server-perl libmailtools-perl
All other distributions may download mixmaster from
and install the perl modules via CPAN.
To install the perl modules run:
# perl -MCPAN -e shell
follow the setup instructions of the CPAN modul and if the cpan> prompt appears type:
cpan> install Mail::Internet
cpan> install Net::SMTP::Server
cpan> exit
Bacame root and copy the script "smtp2mix" to "/usr/local/bin" or "/usr/bin" or
were ever you want.
It is not required, to copy the script. You may run ist from the src directory too.
The simplest way to start the proy is to open a console window, switch to the src
directory of smtp2mix and type the command:
> perl
You may send your anonym emails with your preferred email client and afterwards
kill "smtp2mix" by "< CTRL > C" or by closing the console window.
It is possible, to create a desktop shortcut for starting "smtp2mix".
Alternativly it is possible, to start the daemon with your X-session. Use the
autostart function of your favorite desktop and run the command:
perl /_pfad_to_/ >/dev/NULL &
Important: This will open the smtp port all the time, your X-session is running.
Please protect the port by reasonable firewall rules!
It is possible, to change the smtp port the proxy is listen by the option -p.
To use the port 9010 run the comand:
> perl -p 9010
What's New in This Release:
Useful settings have been separated out by themselves, so a configuration file is not need for mixmaster-3.0rc1.
mixmaster-filter is not need.
Useless header lines of an email message are now removed by mixmaster-smtp.
mixmaster-smtp may be run as a daemon in the background.
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