SVG::SVG2zinc 0.10 review

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SVG::SVG2zinc is a Perl module to display or convert svg files in scripts, classes, images... SYNOPSIS use SVG::SVG2zinc;

License: Perl Artistic License
File size: 129K
Developer: Christophe Mertz
0 stars award from

SVG::SVG2zinc is a Perl module to display or convert svg files in scripts, classes, images...


use SVG::SVG2zinc;

&SVG::SVG2zinc::parsefile('file.svg', 'Backend','file.svg',
-out => 'outfile',
-verbose => $verbose,
-namespace => 0|1,
-prefix => 'string',

# to generate a Perl script:
-out => '');

# to generate a Perl Class:
-out => '');

# to display a svgfile:
&SVG::SVG2zinc::parsefile('file.svg', 'Display');

#To convert a svgfile in png/jpeg file:
&SVG::SVG2zinc::parsefile('file.svg', 'Image',
-out => 'file.jpg');

# to generate a Tcl script:
-out => 'file.tcl');

Depending on the used Backend, &SVG::SVG2zinc::parsefile either generates a Perl Class, Perl script, Tcl Script, bitmap images or displays SVG files inside a Tk::Zinc widget.
SVG::SVG2zinc could be extended to generate Python scripts and/or classes, or other files, just by sub-classing SVG::SVG2zinc::Backend(3pm)

==head1 HOW IT WORKS

This converter creates some TkZinc items associated to most SVG tags. For example, < SVG > or < G > tags are transformed in TkZinc groups. are converted in TkZinc curves.... many more to come...

==head2 TkZinc items tags

Every TkZinc item created by the parser get one or more tags. If the corresponding svg tag has an Id, this Id will be used as a tag, after some cleaning due to TkZinc limitation on tag values (no dot, star, etc...). If the corresponding svg tag has no Id, the parser add a tag of the following form : __< itemtype >__< integer >. If the parser is provided a -prefix option, the prefix is prepended to the tag: __< itemtype >__< integer >

The TkZinc group associated to the top tag has the following tag 'svg_top', as well as 'width=integer' 'heigth=integer' tags if width and height are defined in the top < SVG > tag. These tags can be used to find the group and to get its desired width and height.

==head2 RunTime code

There is currently on new Tk::Zinc method needed when executing perl code generated. This perl Tk::Zinc::adaptViewport function should be translated and included or imported in any script generated in an other scripting language (eg. Tcl or Python).


SVG::SVG2zinc 0.10 keywords