TableTools 0.1 review

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TableTools supercedes the TableSort extension

License: MIT/X Consortium License
File size: 36K
Developer: Mingyi Liu
0 stars award from

TableTools supercedes the TableSort extension. TableTools sorts, filters or copies any HTML table ('ctrl+alt+click' sorts, 'ctrl+shift+click' shows/hides filter, 'ctrl+z+click' etc. allows copying in various formats).

Sorting/filtering are smart as they auto-detect the data types such as date/time stamps, numbers (including scientific notations), major currencies, IP addresses, or plain text.

Context menu allows users to force sorting column data as any of the predefined data types. Please check my demo page at for the detailed feature list.

This extension is the perfect first-glance tool for HTML tables, providing better sorting and filtering capabilities than MS Excel (and directly in FF!), but if you need to make a graph or sth., just use the extension to copy the whole table into Excel!

Firefox 0.7 - 1.6 ALL

TableTools 0.1 keywords