Tk::Image::Calculation 0.04 review
DownloadTk::Image::Calculation is a Perl extension for graphic calculations. SYNOPSIS #------------------------------------------------
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Tk::Image::Calculation is a Perl extension for graphic calculations.
#------------------------------------------------- use Tk::Image::Calculation; my @points_oval = (10, 10, 30, 50); my @points_circle = (20, 20, 60, 60); my @points_polygon = (136, 23, 231, 55, 463, 390, 338, 448, 182, 401, 148, 503, 15, 496, 9, 87); # polygon = (x1, y1, x2, y2, x3, y3, x4, y4, ... and so on) #------------------------------------------------- my $cal = Tk::Image::Calculation->new(); my $ref_array = $cal->GetPointsInOval(@points_oval); # my $ref_array = $cal->GetPointsOutOval(@points_oval); # my $ref_array = $cal->GetPointsInCircle(@points_circle); # my $ref_array = $cal->GetPointsOutCircle(@points_circle); # my $ref_array = $cal->GetPointsInPolygon(@points_polygon); # my $ref_array = $cal->GetPointsOutPolygon(@points_polygon); for(@{$ref_array}) { print("x:$_->[0] y:$_->[1]n"); } my $ref_array1 = $cal->GetLinesInOval(@points_oval); # my $ref_array1 = $cal->GetLinesOutOval(@points_oval); # my $ref_array1 = $cal->GetLinesInCircle(@points_circle); # my $ref_array1 = $cal->GetLinesOutCircle(@points_circle); # my $ref_array1 = $cal->GetLinesInPolygon(@points_polygon); # my $ref_array1 = $cal->GetLinesOutPolygon(@points_polygon); for(@{$ref_array1}) { print("x1:$_->[0] y1:$_->[1] x2:$_->[2] y2:$_->[3]n"); } #------------------------------------------------- my $cal1 = Tk::Image::Calculation->new( -points => @points_circle, -form => "circle", # or "oval" or "polygon" ); for my $subset ("points_inside", "points_outside") { print("n$subset circle : n"); for(@{$cal1->{$subset}}) { print("x:$_->[0] y:$_->[1]n"); } } for my $subset ("lines_inside", "lines_outside") { print("n$subset circle : n"); for(@{$cal1->{$subset}}) { print("x1:$_->[0] y1:$_->[1] x2:$_->[2] y2:$_->[3]n"); } } #------------------------------------------------- my $cal2 = Tk::Image::Calculation->new( -points => @points_polygon, # need three points at least -form => "polygon", -subset => "lines_outside", # defaults to "all" ); use Tk; my $mw = MainWindow->new(); my $canvas = $mw->Canvas( -width => 800, -height => 600, )->pack(); for(@{$cal2->{lines_outside}}) { $canvas->createLine(@{$_}); } MainLoop(); #------------------------------------------------- use Tk; use Tk::JPEG; my $mw = MainWindow->new(); my $image = $mw->Photo(-file => "test.jpg"); my $cal3 = Tk::Image::Calculation->new(); my $ref_points = $cal3->GetPointsOutCircle(50, 50, 150, 150); $image->put("#FFFFFF", -to => $_->[0], $_->[1]) for(@{$ref_points}); $image->write("new.jpg", -from => 50, 50, 150, 150); #-------------------------------------------------
This module calculates points and lines inside or outside from simple graphic objects. At this time possible objects:
Tk::Image::Calculation 0.04 search tags